Wednesday 9 December 2015

Upcoming Trends In Office Furniture

Office furniture is an integral part of modern day offices. Selecting the right office furniture plays an important role in the success and growth of an organization. It projects a professional business image to its clients and associates and increases the productivity of its employees.
When you conduct an office fitout, there is so much to consider. From the floor plan to where partitions will go, all the way through to what colour to make your cupboard handles or which sheets to be used to make your employee’s desk – the decisions to make seems endless. Keeping up with the current trends is the best way to make sure that you are on top of what an employee wants.
PWC research indicates that the revenue generated by the manufacturing industry for office furniture is increasing with a surprising figure- so what are the pieces coming out that could benefit your workplace? Moving office furniture in meeting rooms towards comfortable couches, larger chairs and even cushions could be what your meeting rooms need to gain that extra spark that the competition lacks.
According to the CSIL World report, total African furniture production amounts to US $7 billion of which over 60% of the total furniture production is satisfied by the local manufacturers. In Africa there are 53 metropolitan areas with population of more than 1 million inhabitants in 2015. If we consider only urban population, per capita furniture consumption grows up to US$ 31 and 34, respectively. These figures are highly considerable and give the clear idea about the furniture industry which is growing day by day.
As modern offices continue to evolve and adapt their workplaces to changing technology, modern office furniture reflects the newest priorities—alternate work styles, company culture, and progress.
Crosswords Ltd provide you with the various latest trends in office furniture which would make you stand top in this modern era, of which some are illustrated below -
  •  Collaborative Designs- Bringing people together in open, comfortable spaces is the forefront of modern office furniture design today. Modular office furniture allows easy customization of your space to suit various project needs and collaborative work styles. To further maximize open spaces in the office, gone are the days of high paneled cubicles. In their wake, lower workstation designs have stepped in to better facilitate collaboration, teamwork, better airflow, and natural light.
  •  Nap Pod- We recently took a look at design ideas for nap areas inside the office, and one part of this that crosses over nicely with upcoming furniture trends is the sleeping pod. Going beyond a simple couch to a designated sleeping pod might seem like something out of a science fiction film but given the extensive research out there that shows the productivity benefits of a short nap, it could be worth looking into.
  •  Modern Metal & Glass Design Furniture- The use of metal and glass furniture elements—from modern conference furniture to reception desks—is another hot trend sweeping offices. Modern conference tables with their glass-topped elegance lend your office interiors the stylish, progressive air that will come to define your company.
  • Convertible Workstation- A multi-capable, collapsible work station is perfect for a company that has a need for flexibility, like a startup company who is defined by change and growth. Many companies turn to modern workstations to inspire collaboration and encourage teamwork. In open office environments, modular office furniture incorporates white work surfaces with flashes of color—privacy screens boasting lime green, tangerine, or yellow. With these design elements, touches of wood tones give storage door facings visual interest, and the warm organic tones create a balanced modern office furniture design. At Crosswords Ltd, you will be amazed to see a wide range of office furniture which would set a benchmark for the modular and designer office furnishing. Crosswords Ltd makes available superior quality business products to establish your confidence in us. Your satisfaction is all what we want.

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